open positions
Graduate students
We have openings for graduate students enrolled in any graduate program at Stanford who are interested in cell-cell communication mechanisms in development, disease and regeneration. Please email Raj Rohatgi ( with a copy of your CV and a brief description of your background, coursework, and prior laboratory experience.
Undergraduate Students
We are looking for motivated and curious undergraduate students to join research projects in the lab focused on understanding how damage to cellular signaling systems can cause birth defects and cancer. Students would learn to plan and execute experiments that use a variety of techniques that are central to modern biological research: protein and lipid biochemistry, microscopy, molecular biology, CRISPR-mediated gene editing and mouse genetics. The ideal candidate is organized, reliable, motivated and enthusiastic about biomedical science. Students should ideally commit to a full-time internship during the summer and ~10 hours/week during the school year. If you are interested, please email Raj Rohatgi ( with a CV.
Post-Doctoral Fellows
We are actively recruiting post-doctoral fellows to join projects in the following areas:
Signaling pathways implicated in birth defects, cancer and regeneration.
Regulation of signaling and development by primary cilia.
Genetic and biochemical dissection of lipid pathways that regulate signaling, development and cancer.
The role of biomolecular condensates in cancer and cancer therapeutics.
Please email Raj Rohatgi ( with a copy of your CV and a letter describing your prior research background, current research interests, and names of three references.
Post-baccalaureate students
We have an opening for students who are graduating from college and are interested in working in a research laboratory prior to starting medical or graduate school. The ideal candidate is curious, motivated and enthusiastic about research in the biomedical sciences. Students will learn a variety of techniques including protein and lipid biochemistry, microscopy, molecular biology, CRISPR-mediated gene editing and mouse genetics. Prior laboratory research experience is preferred but not required. We require a minimal commitment of 2 years. Please email Raj Rohatgi ( with a copy of your CV and a letter describing your prior research background and motivation for pursuing research.
Research Scientist
We are looking for creative, motivated and enthusiastic candidates at any stage in their careers: lab manager, research scientist, and research associate. Candidates will train to lead and design experimental projects that aim to understand and modulate signaling pathways that play key roles in development, cancer and regeneration. The candidate for this position should have experience with standard molecular biology techniques, mammalian cell culture and protein biochemistry; enthusiasm for training in different disciplines; the ability to work independently or with a team; strong communication; exceptional organizational and time management skills. Required: A bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry or a related scientific field and 2+ years of research experience. If interested please email Raj Rohatgi ( with a copy of your CV and description of prior research experience.